
Hi there!

Welcome. Let me introduce myself. I’ve spent 6+ years working in DTC marketing, usually for high-growth startups. I’m a branding junkie who spends (probably too much of) my free time exploring cool packaging at the grocery store or appreciating new branding campaigns I see online.

While studying marketing at NYU, I built an expert foundation in the art of communications that has carried through years later to building many impactful brands and to the eventual creation of my own agency. Now I help brands discover their voices and operate confidently across their email marketing, SMS, and native website pages.

My background is in marketing management and strategy, though when I looked to break off and begin offering my services in an agency model, I decided to focus on my favorite marketing channel - email marketing. It’s proven to be the most influential channel for fostering relationships between brands and consumers as well as generating maximized revenue.

With gratitude,